Good Deed 20: Donating Items to Jolly Josh

It’s official – we’ve now completed 20 Good Deeds! We donated a variety of items to Jolly Josh

It’s official – we’ve now completed 20 Good Deeds!

Last summer marked our 20th business anniversary and to celebrate, we committed to completing 20 Good Deeds, i.e. actions we, Aspect IT, would take as a company to benefit and better the lives of people in our community.

aspect it good deeds

It’s been an amazing journey that’s introduced us to some wonderful charities and people.

Today we’re proud to announce that we have completed our 20th Good Deed after donating a variety of items to Jolly Josh – a charity supporting children with complex needs.

Carry on reading as we share all the details.

Jolly Josh

The Jolly Josh Centre, based in Rochdale, provide a nurturing environment to children with complex medical needs and disabilities. By running play, social and hydrotherapy-based sessions, which families can access free of charge, the charity work to enrich the lives of the children they work with.

As well as providing activities at their centre, Jolly Josh also host a range of events to help bring people together and fundraise. Their next event, Pirate Day, held annually in memory of the charity’s founder’s son, will be held on Friday 27th September.

Subsequent events will follow, including the much-anticipated Jolly Jingle Christmas Ball on Saturday 14th December at Rochdale Town Hall.

You can read more about Jolly Josh, their work and events on their website and Facebook page.

Donating Food and Cleaning Supplies

We reached out to Jolly Josh to see how we could help them for our 20th Good Deed and Centre Manager, Sarah, came back to us with a request for food and cleaning supplies.

Of course, we were happy to oblige and once again headed out on another shopping trip before driving over to deliver the items to the charity. There we were met by the lovely Anna and Liz who showed us around and gave us more insight into the world of Jolly Josh.

We soon realised on our visit that a huge focus is placed on inclusivity and accessibility at Jolly Josh – the staff and volunteers have put so much effort into making the centre accessible for all and it truly shows.

Inspiring work done by inspiring people.

What better way to mark the end of our journey to 20 Good Deeds?

That’s All… for Now!

Our mission to complete 20 Good Deeds may be complete, but our mission to make a positive change is ongoing. In fact, it’ll never end!

We’ve always been passionate about giving back and as such, we promise to still take positive actions and complete more ‘Good Deeds’ in our community in the future, as and when we can.

We’ll also be taking some time, both on our blog and social media, to reflect on our Good Deeds journey over the coming weeks so make sure you’re following us to see any future announcements and reminisce with us.

Thank You

Thank you to everyone who has supported our Good Deeds initiative – whether you’ve read our blogs, engaged with our social media content – we appreciate you.

And a HUGE thank you to all the wonderful charities we have worked with. Thank you for allowing us to support you and for welcoming us with open arms.

To all the wonderful volunteers we have met; the time you dedicate to doing good and making a difference is commendable and we hope that our support has made a positive impact on your work. 

Support a Local Charity

If you’d like to support a local charity, and you’re in a position to do so, please take a look at this list of wonderful organisations we have supported over the course of our Good Deeds.

Their work is invaluable and to do what they do, they rely on their community:

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